The Archdiocese of Birmingham - The Parish of the Immaculate Conception

Parish Photograph Album

Canon John's last Sunday Mass and reception in the Saint John Paul II Centre

Video of Canon John's Induction in Worcester. 

Photographs of Canon John's Induction in Worcester.

Images, etc, of the Anniversary Celebrations and the Visit of the Relics of St Bernardette of Lourdes are now here.


Saturday, 31st March Holy Saturday - The Easter Vigil.
Friday, 30th March Good Friday - Solemn Celebration of the Lord's Passion.
Thursday, 29th March Holy Thursday - Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper.
Sunday, 25th March Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord.


Friday, 7th December Installation of Rev. Fr. John Batthula as a Chapter Canon of the Cathedral of St. Chad, Birmingham.
Thursday, 9th November Canon John meets Pope Francis
Sunday, 24th September International Lunch at The John Paul II Centre
Sunday, 24th Septembner International multilingual Mass
Saturday, 23rd September Nations within Our Patish Community Flower Festival
Friday, 22nd September Cheese and Wine Evening at The John Paul II Centre
Sunday, 9th July The First Sunday Masses of the Rev. Mr. Nicholas StJohn as Permanent Deacon
Saturday, 8th July The Ordination of Nicholas StJohn to the Permanent Diaconate
Sunday, 18th June

The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ ,Mass and Procession

More photographs here

Saturday, 20th May Annual Indian Cuisine Evening.
Saturday, 13rh May Presentation Sisters' Thanksgiving Mass
Sunday, 7th May

First Holy Communion Mass

First Holy Communion Mass 2

Sunday, 16th April Easter Flowers
Sunday, 16th April Easter Sunday 11.00 a.m. Mass
Sunday, 16th April Easter Sunday 9.00 a.m. Mass
Sarurday, 15th April Holy Saturday - The Easter Vigil
Saturday, 15th April Blessing of Food
Friday, 14th April Multilingual Stations of the Cross, క్రాస్ ఆఫ్ బహుభాషా స్టేషన్స్, Các Trạm Đa Ngôn ngữ của Thập giá, Ilteangach Stáisiúin na Croise, Багатомовні Станції Хреста
Friday, 14th April Solemn Celebration of the Lord's Passion
Thursday, 13th April Mass of the Lord's Supper and Watching at the Altar of Repose
Sunday, 9th April Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord, Procession and Mass
Saturday, 8th April Vigil for Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord and the arrival of the Oxford Student Cross
Thursday, 30th March Closing of the 2016/2017 Banbury Deanery Visitation
Monday, 27th March "Born For This", performed by pupils from Blessed George Napier School
Saturday, 4th March Confirmation Mass
Saturday,14th and Sunday, 15th January Appeal by Dr. Dee Thomas on the behalf of Aid to the Chuech in Need




Saturday, 20th and Sunday, 21st February Year of Mercy, Rev. Mr. David Palmer ~ Guest Preacher
Saturday, 5th and Sunday, 6th March  Year of Mercy, Rev. Fr. Sumeth Perera S.J., Celebrant and Guest Preacher
Saturday, 12th March Confirmation Mass
Saturday, 19th March Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord ~ Vigil Mass
Sunday, 20th March Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord ~ Blessing of Palms, Procession and Mass
Thursday. 24th March Maundy Thursday ~ Mass of the Lord's Supper
Friday, 25th March Walk of Witness
Friday, 25th March Solem Celebration of the Lord's Passion
Saturday. 26th March Blessing of Easter Food for the Polish community
Saturday, 26th March Holy Saturday ~ The Easter Vigil
Sunday, 27th March Solemnity of the Resurrection of the Lord ~ Easter Sunday
Saturday, 30th April 'Proclaim' Bicester
Sunday, 8th May First Holy Communion Mass
Sunday, 15th May First Holy Communion Mass
Saturday, 21st May Annual Indian (and Vietnamese) evening
Sunday, 29th May Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, Mass, Procession and Benediction
Sunday, 29th May Ditto - more pictures
Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th June Year of Mercy, Rev. Fr. John Saward, Celebrant and Guest Preacher
Friday, 23rd September

Rev. Fr. John Batthula ~ Silver Jubilee Celebrations

Additional photographs and video clips here

View Father John's Silver Jubilee Mass on 23rd September 2016 live on YouTube here..

The view from the gods

The view from the gods 2

Photographs by Reji Joseph

Photographs by Reji Joseph - Reception in The John Paul II Centre.

Saturday, 24th September and Sunday, 25th September Year of Mercy, Rev. Canon John Udris, Principal Celebrant and Guest Preacher
Wednesday, 12th October Opening of the Bambury Visitation, St. John the Evangelist, Banbury
Saturday, 15th October and Sunday, 16th October Year of Mrecy - Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal
Saturday, 29th October and Sunday, 30th October Visitation of the Parish of the Immaculate Conception by His Grace Bernard Longley, Archbishop of Birmingham
Sunday, 6th November Blessing of Graves in The Foynes Memorial Garden and Bicester Cemetery
Sunday, 13th November Remembrance Sunday Service and Parade
Friday, 18th November Year of Mercy, closing holy hour and social, Our Lady and St. Michael, Shipston-on-Stour
Sunday, 20th November

Closing Mass of the Year of Mercy, Bishop Robert Byrne - Principal Celebrant.

Sunday, 27th November  Appeal for the Society of African Missions
Sunday, 27th November Blessing of graves at St. Mary's Church, Ambrosden
Saturday, 10th December Filipino Mass
Sunday, 18th December Christmas Lunch in The John Paul II Centre
Saturday, 24th December Vigil Mass for the Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord
Sunday, 25th December Midnight Mass for the Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord
Sunday, 25th December Dawn Mass for the Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord
Sunday, 25th December Jacqui Flynn receives the Ubi Caritas medal
Sunday, 25th December Day Mass for the Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord.
Monday, 26th December St. Stephen's Day Altar Servers' Guild Mass



Sunday, 29th March Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord
Saturday, 4th April Holy Saturday ~ The Easter Vigil
Sunday, 5th April Solemnity of the Resurrection of the Lord ~ Easter Sunday
Saturday, 23td May Authentic Indian Cuisine evening in The John Paul II Centre
Sunday, 7th June  Corpus Christi Mass, Procession and Benediction in Garth Park
Sunday, 14th June Solemn Mass with Institution of Tim Anthony, Keith Millage and Nick StJohn to the Ministry of Acolyte
Saturday, 27th June Healing Mass with the Sacrament of Amointing
Sunday, 12th July Missio Mass
Thursday, 24th December  Christmas Vigil Mass
Thursday, 24th December Christmas Midnight Mass
Friday, 25th December Chriatmas Dawn Mass
Friday, 25th December Christmas Day Mass
Saturday, 26th December St. Stephen's Day ~ Altar Servers' Guild Mass


Friday, 4th October Inductiuon of Rev. Fr. John Batthula as Parish Priest



Sunday, 19th July Ordination of Rev. Mr. Michael Panejko to the Permanent Diaconate