Parish Environmental Policy.

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The Immaculate Conception Church,
following the lead of Pope Francis in
Laudate Si, has an active, growing
group of parishioners who wish to
change the way our corner of the
catholic faith deals with the ever
rising, climate temperature of our
current times. We meet regularly to
discuss what we can do to make a
difference and then try to put our
plans into action. The time is now!
We would really love to have more
members in our diverse group to
carry on our work into the future.
Please contact Janet Marshall
Parish Environmental Lead at
Parish Website:
for further details
On Monday, 15th March 2021, Canon John Batthula chaired a Zoom meeting to consider and discuss how the Parish of the Immaculate Conception, and the Parish of the Holy Trinity might reduce the impact that they are having and will have on the environment. Based on Pope Francis' encyclical Laudato Si, the documents listed below formed the basis of the discussions that took place.