4th week in Ordinary Time

Ordinary Time

Ordinary Time

Ordinary Time

Ordinary Time

Ordinary Time

Ordinary Time



This week:

Reflection for the week

Think for a moment of the teachers who left a lasting impression. Think of the teachers who inspired us to paint a portrait or play an instrument. Think of the teachers who made us realise our talents, or helped us through a difficulty. Think of the teachers who gave us life skills like swimming, cooking or driving a car.

A good teacher is very powerful. The words of a good teacher are with us forever. A good teacher opens up our eyes and helps us to understand. A good teacher inspires us and leads us.

A good teacher adds something to our world and changes us. Today St. Mark tells us how Jesus went into the synagogue and began to teach. He tells us how amazed the people were at how he taught and at the authority in his teachings. Somehow he managed to command a depth of respect and insight that the Scribes and Pharisees could not. Such was the command that he was able to expel demons even. You’ll notice that Mark doesn’t tell us what Jesus taught but only how he taught and the impression he made. He taught in a way that was to change all our lives. It is testament to his skill as a teacher that news of him spread quickly over the whole region of Galilee.... testament to his skill and testament to the truths he spoke.

We do not have the benefit of listening first hand to Jesus’ teaching, but it is telling that we still read his words twenty centuries after he spoke them. There are still demons in our lives, and Jesus’ teaching still has the authority to drive them out. There are still lessons to be learned for those who believe Jesus can add something to our world and change us forever .

Education Sunday:

What did you want to do when you grew up? Is that what you’re doing now? Who or what influenced your decisions? How were you enabled to grow and broaden your horizons? 2015 marks the deadline to meet the Millennium Development Goals, including the goal to achieve universal primary education. Enrolment in primary education in developing regions reached 90 per cent in 2010, up from 82 per cent in 1999, which means more children than ever are attending primary school. However, one in ten children of primary school age was still out of school in 2012.

Whether we end up being bankers, shop workers, carers, politicians or teachers we can all help to build God’s kingdom of love and justice, and ensure that everyone can live to their full potential, and become the person God intended them to be.

God bless you

Fr. John Y. Batthula, Parish Priest


We express our deepest sympathy and give the assurance of our prayers to the family of

Margaret Bourne RIP

Recently deceased

A Funeral Mass for Margaret will be celebrated at the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Bicester at 12.00 on Friday, 6th February followed by cremation at Oxford Crematorium.

May the angels lead you into paradise, may the martyrs come to welcome you and take you into the holy city, the new and eternal Jerusalem. Amen.




Parish Handbook cover

PARISH HANDBOOK ON SALE A mine of useful information about the parish only £5.00 a copy available from the "Parish Information" display in the church porch or from the parish office.

PRESBYTERY WINDOWS Quotations to replace the presbytery windows that are in a dire condition have now been received. The cost will be in the region of £29,000.00

CHURCH HEATING As you are aware the church heating is neither efficient or cost effective. In order to preserve our church building and to feel more comfortable, we need to replace the existing under floor system which was originally installed 50 years ago with a modern, efficient system. To install gas central heating it would cost £47,000 inc. VAT, plus £4,789 inc. VAT for infrastructure works. £51,789 in total.

Now I am appealing to every family in the parish to contribute in a generous way, as is financially possible to you to help us meet the total costs. Donations can be made by cheque to ‘Parish of the Immaculate Conception’ or by Bank transfer. Please contact the parish office for details. Progress so far.

The windows of the Presbytery will be replaced during the week commencing the 26th of January




This affects children who are currently in Year 2 in primary school. Please note that some changes have been made to the next course for children's reconciliation in the 2015 programme compared to previous years. Children will be prepared for the sacrament while they are in Year 2. The course will start in March. There will be a meeting on Tuesday, 7th Marh in The John Paul II Centre for children to enrol for the sacrament. A rite of enrolement will be celebrated at the 9.00 am Mass on Sunday, 15th March which all children must attend as well as regularly attending one of the Masses each Sunday. Classes of preparation will take place on five Saturdays from the 21st of March - details on this wbsite or from the back of the church or the parish office. The final session will be on Saturday, 4th July. The children will then make their first Confession at 7.00 pm on Wednesday, 8th July at the Church of the Immaculate Conception.

First Reconciliation application form (PDF file will open in a new window


The Second Collection this weekend will be for The Catholic Education Service.


The inaugural meeting of the newly formed Parish Pastoral Committee will take place at 7.00 pm on Monday, 9th of February in The John Paul II Centre.


The inaugural meeting of the newly formed Parish Finance Committee will take place at 7.00 pm on Monday, 2nd of February in The John Paul II Centre.


The inaugural meeting of the newly formed Parish Social and Fundraising Committee will take place at 7.00 pm on Monday, 16th of February in The John Paul II Centre.


Missio logoThe Parish of the Immaculate Conception has been honoured to be named at the venue for the 2015 Annual Missio Mass. This will be celebrated at 12.00 on Sunday, 12th July. More details nearer to the time. More about Missio and the work that they do on their website from where the following extract is taken:

"Since 1922, Missio has been the Catholic Church's official charity for overseas mission. We bring the hope of the Gospel where there is turmoil, poverty and uncertainty in the world, and where the Church is new, young or poor. Missio empowers local people to form and sustain communities of faith and we train and nurture future leaders so that the vital work of the Church in the world can take place."


If any parishioners would like to join the coffee teams, please contact the parish office. The 11.00 a.m. are down to five teams and ideally we would like to recruit three more.


January 100 Club winners: £100 - 10 - Sister Joan Ryan, £50 - 10 - Frederick Thornley, £25 - 6 - Catherine Laurie.


We are very fortunate that, to date we have had a small number of dedicated men and women who regularly clean our church for us, some come after work, others are retired. However, we will be in desperate need of more cleaners to help clean the church in 2015. Currently teams clean once every 7 weeks for about 2-3 hours. Cleaning provides a good work out and is free, save money on expensive gym subscriptions! Please contact the parish office if you can help or need more details.


Are you thinking of becoming a Catholic? Are you supporting your children on the sacramental programme? Have you been away from the church and are nervous about coming back? If you would be interested in the next course starting in November then please contact Fr. John, Ron Weaver, or the parish office. Full programme here.



Your prayers are requested for the following who are sick: H Starrett , B Shepard, P Harris, F J Smith, G Newton, P Davies, C Busby, E Browne, E Cotter, J Hurst, L Lambert, F Ostrowski, S Clarke, P Lunney, J Fowler, J James, B & D Weaver, T Kirby, N Southey, A Connell, E Stonell, A McCambridge, M Smith, D Spiteri, J Calver, P Selwood, P Dean, J James, J O’Rourke, M Lewandowski, M May, A Davies, N Cahill, Mrs Curzon, B Hunt, J Calnan, C Brown, S Condon., C Burns, C Morgan, E Hawkins, M Starrett, E Batchelor, M Bokhari, K Cashman, R Admans, Sr. Mary Humbert, C B Corpus, Anna Kustra. Myrna Delos Saintos, Michael Jordan Murray.

Heavenly Father, source of all healing, visit and heal your servants from all physical and spiritual ailments, through the grace of your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen


That young seninarians and men and women religious may treceive their formation from wise and skillful teachers.

During Advent and Christmastide we are asked to pray for the following intentions:

Openness to the Word of God

Migrants and Refugees

Expectant Mothers


There are still a number of prizes that have yet to be claimed. Please collect all prizes from the sacristy. Thank you.



Sunday, 1st February - After the 9.00 and 11.00 am Masses. The return after its winter hibernation of the monthly cake and produce stall.

Monday, 2nd February - 6.45 pm. Youth group for Years 9, 10 and 11.

Tuesday, 3rd February - 7.00 pm Parents' information session about the First Holy Communion programme. Please note that all children going to non-Catholic schools need to complete an enrolement form and bring it to the meeting. MEETING CANCELLED.

Friday, 6th February - 7.30 pm "We've Got Talent" - the parish talent show. Tickets available from the parish or the school office. If you would like to participate, please contact the parish office. Can you sing, juggle, have an amazing memory, eat fire, ride a unicycle, are a champion pie eater, magician (bring your own rabbit), speed reader, acrobat, comedian, play the spoons, street dancer, bell ringer, in a band or do you know someone who has. If you do, please contact the parish office by Friday, 23rd January.

Saturday, 7th February - All day. Retreat for those preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation concluding with Mass at 6.00 pm.

Tuesday, 10th February - 8.00 pm RCIA talk on "Liturgy and the Eucharist".

Friday, 13th February - 10.00 to 11.45 am. Coffee Morning. Home made cakes and fresh coffee, £2.00. All welcome.

Tuesday, 17th February - 12.00 onwards Monthly lunch

Tuesday, 24th February - 8.00 pm RCIA talk on "Prayer and the Life of the Spirit".

Saturday, 28th February - 9.00 am First Holy Communion class for children attending non-Catholic schools.


Tuesday, 3rd March - 8.00 pm RCIA talk on "The Communion of Saints",

Saturday, 7th March - 9.00 am First Holy Communion class for children attending non-Catholic schools.

Tuesday, 10th March - 8.00 pm RCIA talk on "The Last Things",

Saturday, 14th March - 9.00 am First Holy Communion class for children attending non-Catholic schools.

7.30 pm - St. Patrick's Family Night.

Sunday, 15th March - After Sunday Masses, Mothering Sunday celebrations.

Tuesday, 17th March - 8.00 pm RCIA talk on "The Role of the Laity",

Saturday, 21st March - 9.00 am First Holy Communion class for children attending non-Catholic schools.

Tuesday, 24th March - 8.00 pm RCIA recap and questions.


Sunday, 5th April - After the 11.00 am Mass, drawing of the Easter Raffle. Tckets available from mid-February.

Saturday, 18th April - 9.00 am An opportunity for parents of children preparing for their First Holy Communion to understand more about this Sacrament.

Saturday, 25th April - "Carl and Dave's Comedy Magic and Illusion Show". It is suitable for all age groups so put the date in your diaries now. It will be a terrific evening, More about them including a photograph gallery and testimonials of their past performances on their website.


Saturday, 8th May - 7.00 pm for a 7.30 pm start. Ukulele sing along evening with the Haddenham Ukulele Band. Tickets £5.00 from Oonagh or the parish office. More about the band on their website

Saturday, 23rd May - 7.30 pm. Fr. John's Indian Cusine Evening.


Saturday, 13th June - Summer Fete at St. Mary's School.

Sunday, 21st June - 12.30pm Father's Day Celebration.


Sunday, 5th July - The Summer Family Festival.

The John Paul II Centre now has its own website here

SUNDAY COFFEE Come along for a coffee and meet new and old fellow parishioners after 9.00 am and 11.00 am Masses this weekend and every Sunday in the in the main hall downstairs of The John Paul II Centre. Come along...all welcome!


Saturday 6.00 pm 120
Sunday 9.00 am 180
Sunday 11.00 am 198
Total: 498 devout Christian souls



Donations of wool for blankets for children in Thailand are needed. Please deliver to Ann Swanson or to Sonia Drury or to the back of the church. Thank you for all the wool donated so far


The votive lights in Our Lady's Chapel are now £1 each. Those in front of the statues of the Sacred Heart and St. Joseph are now 50p. Please put your donations in the wall collection box next to Our Lady's Chapel.


Meet on the first Wednesday of each month.


Traidcraft is a Christian response to poverty, established in 1979 to fight poverty through trade. By buying these products you can help craft workers and farmers across Africa, Asia and Latin America to build a better future for themselves, for their families and for their communities. As well as goods on the stall you can order additional items through the catalogue, or buy online at Tradecraft For further information, please contact Ann Poole.

"My children, our love is not just to be words or mere talk, but something real and active." 1 John 3: 18.


Fr. John would like to meet all parents requesting the Sacrament of Baptism for their children. An application form is available for download here or can be collected from the Parish Office. Please e-mail Fr. John or the Parish Office to arrange an appointment.


If you are planning to get married either within The Parish of the Immaculate Conception or elsewhere, please use one of the forms below to make contact with the Parish Office. Thank you.

Sacrament of Matrimony application form (PDF file will open in a new window)

'Out of parish' Sacrament of Matrimony application form (PDF file will open in a new window)

Batthula Trust logio

This is a charity started by Rev. Fr. John Batthula to raise funds to help poor families in India. The funds are used for a wide range of activities such as building homes for a Leper colony, purchasing books and educational equipment for impoverished schools, helping the aged and much more. More on their website.


Please note that the deadline for notices to be included in the weekly bulletin is 3.00 pm of the Thursday of each week.


The piety stall will now be available once a month in the porch after 9.00 am & 11.00 am Mass. Volunteers are requested to help run the stall after 6.00 pm Mass on Saturday evenings and 11.00 am mass on Sundays. More volunteers are urgently needed to help run the stall. Please contact the parish office if you can help.


Thank you to all the red box holders. Please remember to regularly empty your boxes and deliver the contents to the Parish Office or to the welcomers at the Sunday Masses. More about the work of the APF here.


Please use the Mass offering envelopes at the back of the church. These can be posted through the door of the presbytery or given to the welcomers. Please be sure to give plenty of notice if specific dates are require


Meets every Thursday between 8.00 and 9.30 pm to reflect on the forhcoming Sunday readings. For further information, please contact Nick or Clare StJohn.


The parish office is located on the first floor of The John Paul II Centre. If the main doors are closed, then please press the buzzer located near the doors and wait for a member of staff to respond. When you exit the building please ensure that the door is fully closed. The telephone number is 01869 253 277.


Meets every Thursday from 9.15 am to 10.45 am in the Presentation Convent during term-time. Come along or Contact the parish office. More details


Do you have any old photographs of parish life, the church (Priory Road or The Causeway), St. Mary’s School, etc. that could go into a parish archive? If so, please could you deliver these to the parish office marked with your name. These will be scanned and returned to you. Thank you. A selection of older photographs can be seen here


This website has been set up by a parishioner. Please take a look on therosary3.com which takes you to a quiet place within; away from the noise and din of life, and all its distractions into the presence of God.