Archdiocese of Birmingham.

Parish of the Immaculate Conception, Bicester, Oxfordshire.

Corpus Christi Procession.

This photograph, dated 1953, shows a Corpus Christi procession making its way down the Causeway. At its head, just passing out of shot are the clergy in cassocks and cottas, followed by a deacon in a dalmatic and a priest vested in a chasubule. Following them are a group of altar servers, again vested in cassocks and cottas carrying torches - one handed, in the outside hand and a group of First Holy Communion children possibly scattering flower petals. The Blessed Sacrament is being carried under the canopy towards the top of the picture while a procession of the lay faithful tails back to the Market Square. The building at the top left of the photograph is Henley House, the present presbytery while the site of the then future Catholic Church is through the open gates in the top left corner. The destination of the procession is unknown but may have been the old St. Mary's School, the site of the present Montgomery House Health Centre.

Thanks to Angie Nelson for the loan of the photograph.


Jean McIntosh has kindly lent some more photographs of the same procession (left and below) - which took place under the watchful eye of a member of the local constabulary.




The Blessed Sacrament is carried in a monstrance which is still in use in the parish. The cloaks of the four men carrying the canopy, a deep red with black collars, are also still used on special occasions. The Blessed Sacrament is flanked by two deacons in dalmatics and four torch bearers carrying candles. Walking immediately in front of the Blessed Sacrament are, as is customary, two thurifers. The one closer to the camera has turned and is about to incense the Blessed Sacrament - a practice that was discontinued following the Second Vatican Council. Sixty years on, the monstance in the photoghraph is still in regular use in the parish.